I’ve read about the sad episode of Montana Fishburne, who as she turned 19 fulfilled her dream of becoming a hard-core porn “actress.” Fishburne, who used her own name in a debut film for Vivid Entertainment, is trading on her fame of her father, Academy Award-nominated actor Lawrence Fishburne.
Montana has no qualms about the business, telling various interviewers she finds having sex with strangers before cameras to be liberating, a way to explore her fantasies and a path to stardom.
“I’m impatient about getting well-known and having more opportunities, and this seemed like a great way to get started on it,” she said in a statement.
In reality, porn is a path to drug abuse, physical abuse and sexually transmitted diseases. The vast majority of scenes in a hard-core porn movie are acts that real women won’t do if not paid for it.
In her book Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, author Gail Dines explains that porn today really isn't about sex but rather about violently humiliating and degrading females. Dines tells how porn is becoming more cruel in an attempt to keep male viewers interested — calling women increasingly vulgar names, making them do sex acts that are physically unhealthy and pushing them to extremes to make them cry.
Unfortunately, the seemingly carefree Fishburne has bought the lie that porn somehow is about sexual equality. Tragically, some young teenage girls already view Fishburne as a role model they want to emulate. For men, the consequences of porn use are well documented. We may just be learning the damage that porn “stars” are having on young females.