Our cramped workplace had to
consolidate further last week under orders from management. I escaped the shift
to small cubicles that three of my co-workers had to endure, but I participated
in an office-wide downsizing of space due to the department’s loss of storage
The staff had to toss many
materials that had been kept in previously unused offices. Most of the
reference works hadn’t been consulted for years. Somehow the important issues
and topics of 1993 aren’t that pressing in 2012.
Dozens of books and
magazines that had been on shelves in spare nooks and crannies now have been
carted to a warehouse across the street or to a historical archives vault down
the hall.
The whole process prompted
me to weed through magazines I’ve kept for nearly 20 years in my office
cabinets. Most of them went to the recycling bin last week. This de-cluttering
exercise left me with the impression that we save too much stuff. I have too
many books and CDs on my shelves at home. Usually I only read or listen to a
handful of favorites while the remainder collect dust. It’s probably time to do
some more sorting at my house.
Dozens of books from our
office also went to a giveaway pile in the hallway, where employees from other
departments quickly snatched nearly all of them up. Those volumes will now sit
around on their shelves for years.