The Springfield Pregnancy Care Center raised a record amount of funds Saturday for its eighth annual Walk for Life. More than $121,000 had been collected by the day of the event, which for the past two years has included a five-kilometer run.
The fundraising is especially important this year, as some of the government-financed school abstinence programs have been cut. Thankfully, despite the recession, many givers stepped up to make sure that some of the shortfall is made up.
My wife Patty and I have been involved nearly every year in the walk, and she again served on the planning committee this year. We had unprecedented participation this year from fellow Assemblies of God employees as well as first-time involvement by attendees of Nu Brew Church. It’s encouraging when people who are pro-life take steps to back up their beliefs.
I have been reading on the news lately that Pro-Life support now equals and is close to surpassing Pro-Choice. A breath of fresh air for me.