I cringe whenever I read some do-gooder express hope that we will wipe out hunger, disease or crime because of some technological or medical advance.
As a journalist for nearly 30 years, I’ve seen way too much depravity to view the future through rose-colored glasses. When I compare the world now to that of my childhood, there’s no question that evil has taken a great leap forward.
The world will never overcome evil because the heart of humans is wicked. Thank God for all the benevolent programs around to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and clothe the naked. But the fact remains that, overall, we’re regressing in the way we act toward our fellow human beings.
In reality, selfishness, greed and mistreatment of others is rampant. Sexual, physical and emotional abuse is at epidemic proportions around the globe in various forms. The warlord would rather hijack donated food and sell it for a profit than to see starving children eat it. The drug dealer wants to keep users from getting well. The sex trafficker abducts young women and robs them of their purity and souls.
The church is the antidote to this coarsening and exploitation. But make no mistake: the opposition is on a roll.
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