The world celebrated as rescuers pulled the 33 trapped Chilean miners to freedom last week after more than two months underground. That so many people could emerge after being trapped for so long apparently unscathed brought joy to anyone watching the proceedings on the Internet or TV.
Now reality has set in, following the tearful reunion with relatives and the international glow of the limelight fades. The miners have returned to their homes, but many live in squalor conditions in gang-infested areas.
The difficulty in adjusting won’t be so much returning to a normal routine, but rather going from the center of the world’s attention to obscurity. Certainly, book and movie deals beckon, but those are likely to cause turmoil. While these men could survive in confined quarters without tearing into one another, now jealousies from the lure of riches probably will tear them apart. Instead of being lured by fame and riches, I hope these men can be thankful for their rescue and live grateful lives to the glory of their Creator.
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