At a recent gathering of the hundreds of employees where I work, a Wellness team reported that 70 percent of the company’s workers are obese, compared to 40 percent of Americans overall. I wasn’t surprised. The evidence is apparent to the eye.
The good news is that the workplace is taking real steps to get people to try to exercise and eat better. Monetary rewards and extra time off can be great incentives. But a lot of us have a ways to go.
For years, Christians have turned a blind eye to the problem of overeating. We like to quote the Scripture that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. That obviously means avoiding those wicked sins of alcohol and nicotine, right? We conveniently neglect gluttony, which has shortened as many lives as Jim Beam and Camel cigarettes.
But the jig is up. Stop passing the buckets of chicken wings and 128-ounce container of Mountain Dew. It’s time to take a holistic approach to health.
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