I suspended writing my blog a couple of months ago for a variety of reasons, including a lack of time to write it and a sense that I didn’t have enough interesting to say.
However, a couple of people told me they missed my online journaling. That has given my ego enough of an impetus to revive blogging, at least to give a weekly spin a whirl again temporarily.
On the one hand, blogging seems to be passé, narcissistic and braggadocios. On the other, it is an opportunity to be expressive and creative in a way that isn’t a possibility in my daily job as a news journalist.
All that being said, my exciting topic today is my weight. Pigging out during the Christmas break notwithstanding, I’ve lost 20 pounds in the past 365 days. I’m actually near being what is considered normal weight for my height. Not only that, I feel so much better. I’m not talking about self-esteem; I mean physically. I have more energy.
As my friend Jo Mather once told me after her own 20-pound weight loss, it’s as though I’m no longer hauling around a bag of potatoes that had weighed me down. I know what lifting a bag of potatoes onto the grocery checkout line conveyor belt feels like. No wonder I feel better.
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