It’s a pleasant eight months after the lengthy 2008 presidential campaign season. For more than a year, Americans were bombarded with daily tracking polls on how the candidates were faring in the minds of voters. Ultimately, the predictions proved to be extremely accurate.
I thought we might have another couple of years of rest before the pollsters and pundits began pummeling us with the next presidential race. I was wrong. Rasmussen Reports already is asking people about the November 2012 election. I find that a bit goofy, for several reasons:
• How can people be asked if they favor Mitt Romney or Sarah Palin over Barack Obama when no one will declare a candidacy until 2011?
• The Republican Party is in disarray, so to anoint a front-runner right now seems premature.
• The issues during the next three years will have a lot to do with how people feel about Obama. By 2012, most people will either have him as a financial savior or label him as the man who bankrupted the country. Remember George W. Bush had the support of nearly all Americans in September 2011. By the end of his second term, even his friends didn’t want to admit they supported him.
• Early front-runners have a way of flaming out. Rudy Giuliani had the media tag of can’t-miss GOP nominee a couple of years ago. Despite spending a tremendous amount of money, he ended up withdrawing from the race without capturing any states.