Our small group at church just wrapped up a 10-week study of Francis Chan’s book Crazy Love. It’s been both a challenging and depressing journey. I felt deflated every week by the end of the chapter at how far below God’s expectations I fall. Yet I’m encouraged that books like this are being written and, more importantly, read.
Crazy Love is the first book written by Chan, founding pastor of Corner Church in Simi Valley, Calif. The book struck a chord, selling more than 350,000 copies since its release last year. Chan is donating the royalties to a ministry that fights human trafficking.
The point of Chan’s book is that most Christians don’t live Christ-like lives. We’re off base because we measure our morals by the people around us rather than by Scripture. It’s a theme repeated in two other new books I’ve just read: 10 Things I Hate About Christianity (which is the next subject of our small group) by Jason Berggren and Losing My Religion by William Lobdell. If Christianity is supposed to change the way we think and act, why do we look so much like those who have no faith? Why are we so preoccupied with our own comforts? Why don’t we have compassion for other people? Ultimately Crazy Love shows how much our society — and many of our churches — has drifted away from biblical principles.
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