It seems no matter what denomination, congregation size or geographic region, a lot of Americans are confused about what church is designed to be. I always thought church should be a place for corporate worship of God, fellowship with other Christians and to hear the Word preached.
Others tell me I’m wrong. Church should be about having personal needs met. It should be a comfortable experience, one in which I don’t have to think about the guy next to me because he’s not on my economic level. Church should be a place, people think, where the pastor strokes our ego, tells us how to prosper and assures us that America is the apple of God’s eye.
Certainly this isn’t a new phenomenon. When I was a boy many people thought church was a place to dress up, to be seen by others as fulfilling a weekly obligation, a reason to wash the car on Saturday.
I think our perceptions are screwy. Church is a place to give back, both to the community and to others in the body. It’s a place to use spiritual gifts, not ornately, but in humility. It’s a place to give generously, to the One who has provided everything.
Give this man a PULPIT!