Imagine my surprise this morning when I started out the door for a customary half-hour walk before work when Buddy my dog got up and trotted over to the door ready to go. Yesterday I thought Buddy would never go with me again.
On Sunday, as I read the newspaper on the back porch before work, I heard a commotion in the next yard. A 150-pound Great Dane from across the street made an unprovoked attack on 66-pound Buddy, a blue heeler-keeshond mix. A mauling followed as the massive dog ignored my yelling. Finally the owner came to pull him off.
But not before Buddy had been torn asunder from shoulder to hind legs while pinned on the ground as I stood by helplessly. We took Buddy to an emergency vet. Once he was shaved, his wounds proved even more extensive than we thought, and he required multiple sutures in two different places on his body.
My wife stayed home from work yesterday to keep an eye on Buddy’s stitches and his oozing wounds. Considering Buddy is 13 years old and he could barely move yesterday I didn’t figure he would recover, at least not so much so quickly. Several people said prayers on Buddy’s behalf yesterday and he seemed to turn the corner last night.
We hit the doggy jackpot with Buddy. He is good natured, sensitive and docile (unless he sees a UPS truck). I hope he’ll be my walking partner for a good time longer.
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