Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chicken Creed

The goofy Chick-fil-A brouhaha just keeps getting weirder.
The fast-food chain’s CEO, Dan Cathy — a Baptist — told Baptist Press last month that he believes in traditional marriage between a man and a woman. No earth-shattering news. Cathy has said as much for years and it’s no secret that Chick-fil-A, a business that closes on Sundays, espouses biblical values.
Yet the story made its way through the mainstream media as though Cathy had said he hates homosexuals with all his being. The mayors of Boston and Chicago vowed that they would — illegally — prevent Chick-fil-A from operating in their cities. It appears that gay marriage has become the pinnacle of civil liberties.
Naturally the overreaction by the politically correct left spawned an overreaction of the religious right. Yesterday’s massive organized go-eat-at-Chick-fil-A-Day by various Christian entities and personages further escalated the culture war rhetoric.
The problem I have with that “activism” is that Christians somehow think they have demonstrated their faith by waiting in line for a chicken sandwich. Shelling out a few bucks for a patty on a bun is not the litmus test of Christianity. I’m bothered because this is the depth of the belief for many Christians. They don’t show much concern about rescuing sex-trafficked girls or feeding the homeless or counseling drug addicts or adopting special-needs kids. But eat a chicken sandwich? Sign me up!
Tomorrow of course comes the inevitable counterdemonstration by the gays who will hold occupy “kiss-ins” at a Chick-fil-A near you. I can hardly wait.

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